- The President's Address
- Content of the Address
- The Address in the News
- State and Federal Parallels
- How the President has Responded
- The Restructuring of the College of Arts & Sciences and the Proper Role of the Arts & Humanities [now on its own page]
- Views of the Administration
- Situation within the College
- The Dean
- The History Department
- An External Review!?
- The Role of the Arts & Humanities and "Global Competitiveness"
- University Budget Reallocation, Policies, and Impact of the Strategic Plan [now on its own page]
- Budget "Reallocation" Plans
- Policies and the Impact of the Strategic Plan
- UT STEMM and the Corporate Model
- Solar Energy - a "Strategic Goal"
- Intermodal Transportation - a "Strategic Goal"
- Student Centered?
- Who Decides?
- Seeking Synthesis: All the issues start to come together... [NEW!]
- Additional Materials
- Discussions
- Associated Movements
- Stories We Aren't Covering
Seeking Synthesis
As more people talk and more info gets out...the issues all start to fall into a coherent and transparent big picture
UT News: 'UT Matters' campaign to debut this weekend
May 29, 2008.
This article, also featured in the first UToday email, announces a broadening of a media campaign, to be first aired Sunday July 12th, formerly called "University Health Matters" which provided Toledo-area residents with Health information, highlighted UT medical programs, research, and staff, etc. The new production will attempt to highlight and spread the
word about all that UT has to offer, and thus to attract and maintain communications with potential under|graduate students, doctors, community members, donors, alumni, etc.
Blade, Letter to the Editor: Make UT a 'Learning-centered' institution.
May 31, 2008.
In this well-circulated piece by Religious Studies Chair Richard Gaillardetz, the author presents an alternative key-value for the University that considers students as a little more than consumers and the University as more than a profit-driven business [which, as a non-profit simply uses its greater income to provide a greater number of 'goods and services'].
Blade: Chanellor visits UT to push plan for Ohio higher ed
Jun. 18, 2008.
Reports on Chancellor Fingerhut's visit to UT and the conversations around the meaning of "Centers of Excellence" among Ohio's public colleges and universities, and its relation to a STEMM focus at UT. Fingerhut appreciates STEMM as a center for UT, but acknowledges that it would be going to far to then neglect all other programs.